Has the Rebuker Sinned?
Now, the following question must be addressed. Has the rebuker sinned if the rebukee takes offense for any reason? Answer: depends. That is why it is written:
Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes. Proverbs 26:4-5
The rebuker becomes like the fool when the rebuker does not remove the logs from their own eyes before attempting to help someone else remove what God calls that person's specks, Matthew 7:3-5. The Apostle Paul says the same thing in Romans 2:1. If the rebuker points one finger, the other three fingers will condemn him of doing the very thing he has judged in another.
The one who "answers a fool as his folly deserves" is the one who has learned to make a right judgment and thus, the power of God is placed upon their words of reproof, Acts 14:3 4:29-31, so that the fool will not be wise in his own eyes. Hence, the one who has learned to make a right judgment will by necessity remove their own logs first in order to comfort with the comfort they have received, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, by speaking to each other in Psalms (songs with instruments 2 Samuel 23:1), hymns (songs of thanksgiving Nehemiah 12:27) and spiritual songs (songs of God Genesis 1:2 which include tongues and truth i.e. singing scripture in native tongue).
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