Birth of the Earth #5 - Days Two & Three

Days Two & Three of Creation

God is the source of all things, Hebrews 11:36. He actually birthed the earth, Psalms 90:2. That's two separate witness that testify that creation came out of God instead of "ex nihilo" or out of nothing. It also explains why both the apostle Paul and Jesus declared that God has a form, John 5:37Philippians 2:6 though that form may or may not reside in heaven.

The dust of the earth that appeared on day three of creation was taken from or drawn out of the waters according to Peter in 2 Peter 3:5. Peter wrote these words to draw our attention back to the fact that the earth or dry ground shows lineage to the waters from which it was drawn out of. But, dry ground first appeared on day three of creation. Here's how it reads:
Then God said, "Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so. God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas; and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:9-10
For grins and giggles consider: The bold word above "gathered" literally means to bind together by twisting. DNA is the building block of life which is a combination of strands of information twisted together not to mention the fact that all life is made up of both water and dust. All life requires water for its existence otherwise it returns to dry land. In fact, all non-dry life-forms contain DNA. Rocks or dust of the earth do not contain DNA. Isn't it interesting that DNA is found in watery creatures like plants, animals and humans when the waters below the expanse were twisted together.

All giggles aside, the only waters that were "twisted together" were those found below the expanse which was established on day two for the purpose of separating the waters above and below it. The waters both above and below the expanse existed on day two first and in order for the expanse to separate them, Genesis 1:6-7. But, the real question is, "were the waters in existence on day one of creation?"
