Birth of the Earth #6 - Day One & Conclusion
Day One of Creation & Conclusion
IT IS NOT written that God said 'let there be waters.' But, it is written that the waters burst forth out of the womb, Job 38:8. It is also written by the apostle Peter that the earth was formed out of the waters, 2 Peter 3:5. It's so cool that the waters also receded and produced the dry ground after the flood, Genesis 8:3-5? Moses was drawn out of the waters too, Exodus 2:10. It is even cooler that the dew-waters evaporated and produced the dry flaky stuff called manna or bread from heaven, Exodus 16:14. All these signs are related in that dry ground or dust comes out of the waters just like it did on Day 3 of creation. The significance in this relation is two-fold:
- God swears by Himself by repeating Himself because there is nobody greater than God
- The son does what he sees the Father doing, John 5:19.
Since God did not speak the waters into being, where did they come from? Answer: Genesis 1:1 and Job 26:10. God cut (created, bara) the heavens and the earth with His word that is sharper than a double edged sword. He literally circumcised Himself with a cut and divided His soul from His spirit, Hebrews 4:12. High Father's circumcision brought forth the Light of Life the first fruits of His labors Holy to HIM. His first born son opened God's womb and the red and clear waters came bursting forth. Out of the red waters below the expanse came the earth, dry red dust. God literally twisted those waters into the DNA that holds those waters together, Genesis 1:9.
It is written that the earth was given birth, Psalms 90:2. Adam was formed out of the dust and everything that returns to the dust does so because that is where it come from, Genesis 3:19.
This is why the High Father's circumcision is so critical to
understand. High Father, and Abram, one of His sons, were cut in their old age to become the Father of Many
Nations, hence the change in Abram's name to Abraham. Abram was a sign of this very circumcision in order for dim and dull folks in more current generations to be able to see God repeating Himself in the various signs and wonders of the past. My reference to "dim and dull" is explained in my series called "Fading Glory."
The apostle Paul tries to explain
parts of this to the men of Athens but few accept it so he vows to
preach Christ crucified instead of preaching Christ coming from the
Father's flesh, and from the Father's spirit and from the Father's
soul. Acts 17:24-29 is a portion of what Paul proclaimed about God. Try reading that passage without the added italicized words which are added by Bible interpreters not the original authors of the text:
24 "The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from One every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.' 29 Being then the children of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought of man.
Why would Paul address unsaved Athenians as children of God if they had not started out that way via Adam's own son-ship as declared in Luke 3:38? But, then the fall happened.
But, if you are anything like me, this series of articles on the birth of the earth probably isn't enough biblical evidence to overcome the crisis of faith that it may have caused within you. Even though God picked me up and took me back in time to watch Him create the heavens and earth and then forward in time to a point where I saw the face of the Anti-christ, I still had a lot of questions. The answers God has given me are in the following articles:
- If these visions are true, why do teachers of God's word teach that creation came from "out of nothing?" see "Ex Nihilo"
- If these visions are true, why is it so hard for folks to accept this without offense? see "Fading Glory"
- If these visions are true, why would anyone want the old wine and claim that it is better than this new wine? see "New Wine"
- Why don't folks understand they were in Adam's loins when the fall took place? see "Dying Duplicates"
- Why are so many lies being taught by Bible scholars that deceive so many folks into not knowing where they really came from and just how far we have all fallen. see "Tickled Ears"
- Why would anyone even want to claim a god-like preexistence to mankind when they could have the reality of their true identity? see "Day Seven"
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to choose what you are going to believe. Your only choices are what the Bible says, or what humans tell you. And remember, you are in good company. The original twelve disciples that did not dump Jesus during their crisis of faith stayed not because they understood the hard teaching Jesus had just given. Rather, they stayed with Jesus because they knew He had the words of life...what was actually written in the Holy Bible.
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