Birth of the Earth #6 - Day One & Conclusion
Day One of Creation & Conclusion IT IS NOT written that God said 'let there be waters.' But, it is written that the waters burst forth out of the womb, Job 38:8 . It is also written by the apostle Peter that the earth was formed out of the waters, 2 Peter 3:5 . It's so cool that the waters also receded and produced the dry ground after the flood, Genesis 8:3-5 ? Moses was drawn out of the waters too, Exodus 2:10 . It is even cooler that the dew-waters evaporated and produced the dry flaky stuff called manna or bread from heaven, Exodus 16:14 . All these signs are related in that dry ground or dust comes out of the waters just like it did on Day 3 of creation. The significance in this relation is two-fold: God swears by Himself by repeating Himself because there is nobody greater than God The son does what he sees the Father doing, John 5:19 . Since God did not speak the waters into being, where did they come from? Answer: Genesis 1:1 and Job 26:10 . ...