How to Get the Most Out of this Blog

Here is a list of things to know about how to get the most out of this blog. I’ve also explained comment moderation. Some of these articles are not going to be easy to read even though as much information as possible has been included. 

Ultimately, it is each of our own responsibilities to test every spirit before receiving what we hear. The Bereans did not take offense when the Apostle Paul came to town with new teachings, Acts 17. But, at least 58 of Jesus' own disciples did take offense and dumped Jesus, John 6. I call this experience a crisis in faith. Even the Shulammite in Song of Songs went through such a crisis. 

Please take this information into your secret place of prayer and ask the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to: 
  • Explain what you don't understand, 
  • Grant you the wisdom and faith to either accept hard truths or to not take offense, 
  • Grant you the will, internal strength, and peace to walk out what you've received.
The last thing any of us wants is to become is the fulfillment of Matthew 24:5. For every single one of us, including me, will be held accountable for every careless word we have spoken. At that point in time, it would be better that our lives end early than to cause any of God's little ones to stumble.

Article Series 

Asterisks included in a tag indicate a series of articles that should be read in sequential order. Follow the number in the title. I will not repeat either myself or Bible references in subsequent posts included within a single series. So, it will be assumed that you have read and understand the earlier articles.

Simple Tags

These are words or phrases in lower case letters (except for proper names) with no asterisks. They will list the articles that contain those words or phrases. Once one of these articles is opened, a Control/Command plus left mouse click will help you find the word or phrase in the article for more information on those words or phrases.

Dream Journals

These articles are grouped by the tag "***Dream Journal***" without the quote makes. You can expect the following:
  1. The date on the main page listing all my articles is the date I woke up with the dream. 
  2. Sometimes an introduction will precede the actual record of my dream. 
  3. What I saw and heard in the dream follows the introduction if there is one. 
  4. The dream is repeated for a second time to include green text which is the knowledge or interpretation of the dream that God gave me while singing and recording the dream.
  5. If you want a dream interpretation for your own dreams, please post a request in the comments. Please do not include the dream itself in the comments. There is no reason for anyone else to read and potentially mock you because they do not understand how God communicated through dreams. You will be sent instructions if your request has been accepted. Please understand that I cannot do this for everyone that requests an interpretation. I'm human and just don't have the time.


Please do not praise or curse me in the comments. They are moderated. If you want to encourage me, please do so in the same manner that Jesus encouraged His disciples. Comments will be turned off for any article as I see fit to limit their number. I cannot be expected to respond to everyone around the world.

Comments that will be deleted during moderation and participants that will be immediately banned include the following:
  1. Any instance of any level of mocking or threats towards anyone.
  2. Any instance of derogatory or obscene language including but not limited to accusation, lies, and blame.

Broken or Missing Links

If you find a link to one of my articles is not working or missing, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me so in the comments. It is either broken OR the article was taken down so that I can update it with clearer language, more Bible references, or shorter content. Your comments will tell me which of the almost 200 articles I should bring to the top of my priorities. Thank you for understanding.


This article is subject to change without notice. All the articles contained in this blog are copyright protected as of the date posted which appears at the top of each article. All rights are reserved and no use is granted without the express written permission from the author and owner of this blog.