Day Seven

Why would anyone even want to elevate themselves into a god-like preexistence when they could have the reality of their true identity? To pretend that one has a preexistence is just plain vanity, especially when our true identity is so much greater than anything we could possibly try to define as equal with God. Allow me to explain by first summarizing days One through Six of Creation. If you want the Bible verses for this summary, see the rest of my article series titled "Birth of the Earth."
  1. God gave out a massively loud cry when He circumcised Himself.
  2. That cry sent forth the Light of Life, the first of His works, causing His Holy Spirit to be separated from His Holy waters. In other words, He gave up His Spirit and (sort of) breathed His last. That is why our heavenly Father cannot die. He already did. Thus, humans also die once and then face judgment.
  3. To be separated from the spirit is to be dead. Thus, the Light of Life (i.e. Day) and the misery, death, and destruction (i.e. night, the place made for demons to dwell throughout eternity) were cut apart as one cuts down a tree separating the life-giving unseen roots from the abundant glory and majesty of the three itself.
  4. The very first boundary line was formed as a literal cut that divided God's Soul from His Spirit.
  5. Days Two through Six describe the creation of the earth with all that is in it, all encompassed inside the kingdom of NIGHT. Remember God clothed Himself with darkness as with a tent even though there is no darkness INSIDE God. 
  6. A brief mention of the creation of the Heavens is on Day Four but only as the lights in the sky relate to the earth.
  7. Then comes Day Seven. If you want to know why Satan could be so arrogant as to try to set himself above the Most High God, Day Seven of Creation is the reason why.

God never changes, but God is capable of cutting Himself down into a lot of little pieces. Jesus if the very proof of it. Otherwise, His words would not be able to divide soul and spirit. God had to cut Himself up FIRST so that the Son could do what He saw His Father do. God even proved this again by cutting His Holy Spirit down into a bunch of human sized and shaped body parts that are all unique yet part of His own Body. This is where the enormity and majesty of Day Seven comes in. 

Refresh you memory. Here is Genesis 2:1–3.

Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

In verse three, the original word translated into "bless" literally means "to bow the knee in greeting." The word "sanctified" means to wash. God literally bowed His knee to greet Adam then washed him. God did this as His REST from all LABORS. Now picture Jesus, God's son, washing His disciples' feet.

The God of ALL creation, Holy is His Name, literally sort of killed half of Himself in order to bring mankind into being and subjugate Himself to humans. He even did this knowing full well that humans would betray Him and fall from His glory just like Satan did. 

Think about it. The Fall has just happened and Satan is elated. Satan knows that if he succeeds in derailing all of mankind from returning to the Holy True God who dwells in heaven, then that same true God can no longer be reunited with the "One of Us" of GE 3. That reunification is suppose to occur at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth. Had the "One of Us" not subjugated Himself to man, Satan would have had no means by which to be tempted into his own folly prior to the Fall of man.

STOP AND PONDER THIS! Can you see the length, width, height, and depth God went to in order to bring us into being. It is the reason why Jesus refused to consider equality with God something to be grasped. It is the reason why Jesus is the PERFECT REPRESENTATION OF HIS FATHER BOTH IN FLESH AND IN SPIRIT. Jesus put God's words first, considered us as greater than Himself, just like the "One of Us" of GE 3 (i.e father of flesh) did on Day Seven. God literally made Himself man's servant. He literally set mankind as His crown to walk His face just as He commanded Abraham.

Now do you understand why people sit in ashes and throw dirt on top of their heads to humble themselves? It is to exalt God both in spirit and in flesh... i.e. dust. Do you understand why He gives beauty for our ashes, purified dust? Now do you understand why the whole world seeks to destroy the earth with selfish possessions? It is the deceitfulness of wealth and the lording of our human and God-given authority over the dust/minerals/elements of the earth, the "One of Us", from which those possessions are taken.

So next time you read this:

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.
Remember this:
And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent. 43 And calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on." Mk 12:42–44.

That widow gave up all her possessions (made from the dust of the earth) in order to loose her life and honor God. So too, the father of flesh, dust of the earth, put in all that he had when he, the dust of the ground, was cursed to death at the Fall instead of Adam, a substitutiary sacrifice that Jesus would one day do just like He saw His Father do.
