Lord of the Lot

If you have spent any time in a church that bases its beliefs upon the Holy Bible, the chances are pretty high that you may have heard someone mock people who randomly flip through the Bible to find a verse as an answer to a specific prayer request. The faulty logic that usually supports their mockery is based upon the idea that such random approaches to answered prayer could land upon Matthew 27:5 where Judas hanged himself and Luke 10:37 where Jesus said to go and do likewise.

However, God's words declare that God is the LORD OF THE LOT, Psalm 16:5. In fact, every decision made by casting lots is controlled by God and God alone. There is, therefore, no such thing as random chance. If God is the one that causes your Bible flipping to land upon verses like Matthew 27:5 and then Luke 10:37, perhaps it is because God is testing your resolve to put your understanding of your page-flipping to the test. In other words, are you willing to compare your page-flipping results to God's actual written commands? Or, are you going to exalt your interpretations over God's written commands?

There are so many examples in both the Old and New Testaments of biblical leadership using the process of seemingly random chance through the casting of lots in order to make decisions. Thus, there is no reason what so ever for anyone to teach that casting lots for decision making purposes is childish or faithless. If it is permissible for Jesus' apostles to use the casting of the lot to make decisions, Acts 1:21-26, then it is permissible for you to use the casting of the lot to make decisions as well.

Just be prepared. You will be accountable to God's answer even if you don't like it. So, pray specifically for God to answer using the lot. Confess and renounce any potential idolatry in "Lady Luck" that might be in your heart without you knowing it. Express praise and gratitude for His answer before casting the lot. Finally, before casting the lot, request strength, wisdom, and humility to understand, accept and obey His response.

His will be done! His kingdom come! So, seek HIM now, while He is still allowing us to find Him.

Copyright (c) 2017 by Diane Pebley All rights reserved, no use granted without the express written permission of the author, Diane Pebley
