The Beginning of God's Labors

I can only testify to what I've seen and heard when God picked me up by the scruff of my neck and took me back in time and showed me how He began His labors of creation. This is what I saw and heard.

I felt myself being lifted up by the scruff of my neck like a mother cat carrying a kitten in her mouth. I was helpless and could not fight to save my life. I knew I was being carried backwards in time as events from my past began passing me from behind. The events passed with increasing speed until they were streaks of light. Then all went dark.  

When I arrived at the precise moment in time God chose, a huge empty cavern opened up around me so that I could not reach out and touch Him, making Him unclean before He even spoke for the first time. The cavern was not Him as will be explained in a moment. The cavern was there for a complete separations from my filthy presence in the middle of one that is HOLY and CLEAN.

Before God spoke, "Let there be light," there was just God. He was, is, and always will be ONE, Unified, and the same. It did not matter where He was because He was already there the same as anywhere else. Here, there, everywhere, the same. GOD. Not even the space or time continuum could exits as there would have to have been a boundary line between that and the God who had a hold of the scruff of my neck.  "Nothing" could not exist because God was already there and God is something NOT nothing. Thus, the concept of nothing is impossible or God's infinite attribute would become finite.

Before God spoke, "Let there be light," there were NO boundary lines or any form of division. If there had been a single boundary line then there would have been a division between God and that which was not God.

Before God spoke, "Let there be light," there was no sound. Sound requires a departure from its source and a reception at its destination and thus a boundary line to cross in order for sound to exist. Back before creation there was just God who knew only rest without communication of any kind. He was ONE. He needed no communication.

Believe it or not, before God spoke, "Let there be light," there was no light either or darkness for that matter and for the same reason as sound. There was just God. Knowledge, Humility, Faith, Truth, Power, Joy, and Justice, the seven spirits of God, all existed within the oneness of God's being as exactly the same.
Neither was there any separate distinction between any of the seven spirits because there were no boundary lines of any kind. There was only God who is the same here, there, and everywhere without boundary lines. Mankind did not exist otherwise God would not have been infinitely the same here, there and everywhere. Not even the smallest particle of creation existed as a separate entity or there would have been no beginning to God's labors.

I experienced His great rest along with His surging massive power simultaneously moving as if in a perfectly choreographed dance. All the space on the other side of the cavern moved, and lived, and had its being as one in power, one in rest, one in joy, one in righteousness, one in truth, and one in unity. Even now in remembrance of what He did for me in that moment of time, my heart longs for His restoration back to being in that state of All in All, 1 Corinthians 15:29, Romans 11:36 (the to Him return).

Then, it happens. God commits Himself to His very first works of labor. That's right LABOR for it is written that God gave birth to the earth, Psalms 90. Women have the privilege of bearing with God's labor pains through the birthing process to send forth a child. But, this topic is covered in depth in my article "Birth of the Earth." Let's get back to the Spirit of Unity.

So, how does God COMMIT HIMSELF to LABORS? I use the word "commit" because man is commanded to commit our ways to the Lord in a similar manner. How? God circumcised Himself. That's right. In His old age, He creates the very first boundary line by cutting or inscribing a circle on the surface of the waters at the boundary line of light and darkness, Job 26:10. In the vision, it was a perfectly straight line sharper, cleaner, and thinner than any line a human can see or cut with a knife, Hebrews 4:12. The line was cut from left to right perfectly horizontally. The circle part of the vision will be presented in a forthcoming article.

Paul tells us that circumcision of the flesh is worthless without the circumcision of the heart, Romans 2:17-29, because of what God did to Himself when He circumcised Himself at the first of His labors. God literally cut Himself in the most horrifically painful way possible for the purpose of bringing forth all of His labors. Knowing the end from the beginning, God knew this cut would result in the "one of us" of Genesis 3:22 being trod upon by sin for several thousand years. Nevertheless, the first boundary line was cut so that one side will always remain clean and be able to make the unclean clean.

Now that God has His first boundary line, is He still unified? YES, God is the same on both sides of the first boundary line. A boundary line is just a location designation. With boundary lines, sound can now travel from one side of the boundary line to other. Words can be spoken and obedience can be experienced simply because a boundary line exists allowing the relationship to dance across both sides.

Think of it like this. The right hand of God is letting the left hand of God know what it is doing, Matthew 6:3. Since the left hand of God is in unity with the right hand of God, the left hand of God does the will for which God's words were sent out of His mouth, Isaiah 55:11. And now with John 15 set in place as law, the "one of us" in Genesis 3:22 can once again be subjected back to the Father by way of asking and receiving.

Furthermore, God has not changed just because He cut Himself into two limited chunks, Psalms 119:96. The egg inside a female mammal's body also splits itself in two but remains ONE. IN THE EXACT SAME WAY:

28  for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.' Acts 17:28 (NASB)

36  For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. Romans 11:36 (NASB)

So, when Jesus comes on scene a few thousand years later and does what He sees both hands of God doing, John 5:19, He testifies only to what He has seen and heard. 

31  "He who comes from above is above all, he who is of the earth is from the earth and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all. 32  "What He has seen and heard, of that He testifies; and no one receives His testimony. 33  "He who has received His testimony has set his seal to this, that God is true. John 3:31-33 (NASB)

  who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Revelation 1:2 (NASB)

This is because Jesus was born into the kingdom of earth after having been sent from the Father's kingdom of heaven (spirit). He is a son of the flesh that gave birth to His flesh, and a son of the spirit that gave birth to spirit,  John 3:6. He is both a son of the left hand and a son of the right hand of God. Hence, Paul comes along a couple of decades after Christ and defines unity as speaking the same words that God speaks, not our interpretations, not our opinions, not our feelings, not our speculations, not any other word other than the testimony of what we have seen and heard.

Then he *said to me, "Write, 'Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.'" And he *said to me, "These are true words of God." 10  Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he *said to me, "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Revelation 19:9-10 (NASB)

Since God is spirit, John 4:24, and since God's words are spirit sharper than a double edge sword dividing soul and spirit, Hebrews 4:12, God literally gives us His example of Romans 2:17-29 to follow in HIS STEPS.

Copyright (c) 2016 by Diane Pebley All rights reserved, no use granted without the express written permission of the author, Diane Pebley
