Spiritual Birds
Why show you this? Because of what Jesus said here:
He presented another parable to them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; and this is smaller than all other seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that THE BIRDS OF THE AIR come and NEST IN ITS BRANCHES." He spoke another parable to them, "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened." Matthew 13:31-33
Jesus is the word of God made flesh and how many times in the Bible the word "seed" is used to refer to sons. That makes Jesus the mustard seed in the above parable as Jesus is the least in the kingdom of heaven AND HE grows into be the largest and strongest tree (Oak of Righteousness) in the garden of God (kingdom of God on earth). Demons were cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven to dwell in arid places existing between the Kingdoms of Heaven and Earth. Thus, birds or demons nest in the branches of the Oak of Righteousness that is Jesus.Another key just like this one is when Jesus said that the word God speaks are the seeds in Matthew 13. So consider,
Every explicit link made in the Holy Bible like these two keys are true for all the other uses of each half link within biblical figures of speech. In other words, "birds" are interchangeable with "demons." "Seeds" are interchangeable with "words." "Stars" are interchangeable with "Angels." "Throne" and "garden" are interchangeable. These explicit links are interchangeable only within figures of speech not within eye witness testimony. That is to say, they are not interchangeable when someone is testifying to what they saw and heard.
The kingdom of heaven spoken of in Matthew 13:31-33 is not the Kingdom of Heaven on High where God sits enthroned. We know this because demons are not allowed to dwell in heaven on high. They were cast into arid places because of their rebellion. Therefore, Jesus is actually speaking of the kingdom of heaven on earth in this parable. The kingdom of heaven ON EARTH is where those who remain in Christ have the authority to cast out demons just like God did from on high.
Jesus' parable about the lump of dough explains how
those demons got access to the branches of the mustard tree. Remember, Jesus
defined leaven as the hypocritical teachings of the religious teachers make
these two words interchangeable within figures of speech. With this in mind,
picture Eve in the garden of Eden, adding to and subtracting from God's words
while she is talking with the serpent. The result was a curse on mankind or the
leavening of the lump of dough or human kind dwelling on earth.
Eve did what Moses said don't do in Deuteronomy 4:2. She nullified God's words by adding her own interpretation and the result is a puffed up lump of dough because the nullification grew and grew as the woman kneaded the dough just like humanity's dimness and dullness grows as a result of puffed up arrogance.
So, you see, we humans are the ones who actually grant authority to demons or spiritual birds to invade and nest in the branches of kingdom of heaven found on earth. If the examples above are not sufficient for you to grasp this, check out this verse and remember birds represent demons.
Furthermore, in your bedchamber do not curse a king, and in your sleeping rooms do not curse a rich man, for a bird of the heavens will carry the sound and the winged creature will make the matter known. Ecclesiastes 10:20
The wisest man, other than Jesus, identifies this principle of demonic influence. Every vocalized curse, be it gossip, slander, or miss placed complements, grants demons the authority, originally given to man by God, to speak harmful thoughts into the minds of other humans.
Still not convinced? Jesus said that everyone will be held accountable for every careless word ever spoken. This is why we are commanded to never "Lean not on your own understanding..." and that out of the mouth the heart speaks.
Jesus said that He got His authority from God's
words. When we change God's words with our traditions, interpretations, beliefs
and feelings, or when we stand upon the traditions of scholars who speculate and
then agree with each other, we actually end up falling into a curse exactly the
way Adam and Eve both fell because they nullified God's words with their own
interpretations. The vocalizations of such speculations have granted demons the
authority to spread that hearsay all around the world.
Even though Moses said don't do this, Moses still succumbed to this temptation when Moses gave us the certificate of divorce. That certificate gradually worked into the lump of the body over time. Thus, it created many "women at the well" who were divorced for any reason and forced into adultery. Many women were therefore in the power of the evil one because of that well-meaning certificate that was not God's original plan for marriage.
If you want to get rid of addictions,
then get rid of the gossip, slander, or missed place complements that come out
of the mouth. Replace such words with speaking to each other with songs, hymns, and
spiritual songs. In other words, speak the truth in love regardless how it makes
others feel.
Copyright (c) 2016 by Diane Pebley All rights reserved, no use granted without the express written permission of the author, Diane Pebley
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