Testing Paul's Words - God's Original Design

God's Original Design

Now, look at 1 Timothy 2:12 again more carefully. If God allows women to teach men, there will be examples of such in the Holy Bible.

We know that God's original design for women was to rule equally with men over the earth. We also know God allows women to teach men. Here are a few examples sanctioned by God of women teaching men.
  • Genesis 38 - a woman teaches one of the 12 patriarchs about righteousness
  • Joshua 2-6 - a woman teaches all of Israel about great faith
  • Judges 4-5 - a woman judges men
  • Esther - a woman teaches a king about the character of his trusted friend
  • Luke 2:36 - a woman prophesies her lessons over men for 60 c. years
  • Luke 7:36-50 - a female sinner is used to rebuke religious leaders
Even the book of Proverbs is an example of a woman teaching men. Within Proverbs, wisdom is portrayed female. Could it be that in the same way Eve was the female portion of Adam while yet both male and female, Genesis 1:27, prior to the split in Genesis 2:21, wisdom is the female portion of God whom Adam was modeled after? Take a close look at the connection Eve has to gaining wisdom, Genesis 3:6.

Even if it is unacceptable to consider wisdom the female portion of God, is there any more need for further biblical witnesses that God made women equal as regards teaching or judging men not their own husbands? Paul may not allow women to speak or prophesy among men but God surely does. Now that we know 1 Timothy 2:12 was a "rule of etiquette" established by Paul, did that rule of etiquette bring on a curse of any kind?

Consider Paul's words "women will be preserved through the bearing of children." Does this mean that Anna of Luke 2:36 was not preserved because she was childless and prophesied over men? Paul wrote:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28
For there is no partiality with God. Romans 2:11
Does not Paul's stance to silence women in public show partiality between the sexes where God shows none? For example, the same Holy Spirit given to men was given to women as well, Joel 2:28, and for the same purpose, to prophesy which actually is teaching, rebuking correcting and training in righteousness, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Revelation 19:10.

So what curse has resulted because of what Paul said in 1 Timothy 2:12-15? Well, for many hundreds of years women have been treated like property with no rights. That all changed with the woman’s liberation movement in the previous century. That was when men became emasculated and reaped the very thing they had sowed for so many years. 

Copyright (c) 2012 by Diane Pebley All rights reserved, no use granted without the express written permission of the author, Diane Pebley
