Adam's Heart - Introduction (1)
If you have heard it said that Adam blamed Eve or God for the fall, this would be the current traditional interpretation of Genesis 3:12 within a number of religious cultures. However, since Jesus is the second Adam, 1 Corinthians 15:45; Romans 5:11-17, and since John testified that Jesus' testimony of the Father was threefold, 1 John 5:5-8, then, Adam's testimony is also a threefold testimony. In other words, did Adam's spirit, water, and blood testify in agreement with each other to reveal Adam's heart just as Jesus' threefold testimony revealed Jesus' heart? And if so, did Adam really blame anyone for the fall?
To answer these questions, we must find out four things. First, if Adam spoke truth like God does, then Adam's words would have to be the words of a wise man not the words of a fool. Second, if Adam walked in God's ways, then, Adam's walk, though tainted with rebellion at one point in time, would have to demonstrate both repentance and obedience. Third, if Adam expressed God's countenance of life then, after repentance Adam's countenance would have been raised up by God and not cast down. Finally and honestly, we also have to investigate God's response to Adam's words, actions, and emotions, 1 Peter 4:8.
After considering these four things, it will be very easy to determine whether or not Adam blamed God or just humbled himself before God. By the conclusion, we will all have three biblical witnesses testifying in agreement upon which we can all stand with confidence in unity before God. Even if by chance we still do not have unity on this subject, at least we will be able to understand Adam's heart from God's point of view i.e. what the Bible actually says.
My series on "God's Hermeneutics" explains why (1), (2), and (3) above are used to understand Adam's heart in this series.
To answer these questions, we must find out four things. First, if Adam spoke truth like God does, then Adam's words would have to be the words of a wise man not the words of a fool. Second, if Adam walked in God's ways, then, Adam's walk, though tainted with rebellion at one point in time, would have to demonstrate both repentance and obedience. Third, if Adam expressed God's countenance of life then, after repentance Adam's countenance would have been raised up by God and not cast down. Finally and honestly, we also have to investigate God's response to Adam's words, actions, and emotions, 1 Peter 4:8.
After considering these four things, it will be very easy to determine whether or not Adam blamed God or just humbled himself before God. By the conclusion, we will all have three biblical witnesses testifying in agreement upon which we can all stand with confidence in unity before God. Even if by chance we still do not have unity on this subject, at least we will be able to understand Adam's heart from God's point of view i.e. what the Bible actually says.
My series on "God's Hermeneutics" explains why (1), (2), and (3) above are used to understand Adam's heart in this series.
Copyright © 2009 by Diane Pebley
(All rights reserved, no use granted without the express written permission of the author, Diane Pebley)
(All rights reserved, no use granted without the express written permission of the author, Diane Pebley)
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